The History of the National Aquatics & Sports Medicine Institute
I began work with Washington State University on aquatic research in 2005, initially with a study of the comparative impact of aquatic exercise versus land-based exercise on a group of 100 college students, half in each cohort. The study was funded by the National Swimming Pool Foundation. Our work there led to subsequent studies on the effect of immerion at various temperatures on the central nervous system and the heart, studies which are listed on the publications page. In 2008, WSU created the National Aquatics & Sports Medicine Institute with support and funding from the National Swimming Pool Foundation. Our lab was initially placed in Pullman, WA, the site of the main Washington State University campus is located. In 2011, our lab was moved to Spokane, WA, where Washington State University has its health care campus. The Institute was closed in 2016 as a result of many internal organizational changes, including closure of the Dept. of Exercise Physiology.